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🤫 Rumor A Pal has been discovered in Palworld that looks very much like Mewtwo from PokĂ©mon


The controversy surrounding Palworld and whether or not it is stealing Pokémon designs continues, now that a Pal in the code of Palworld has been discovered that looks very much like Mewtwo, more specifically Mega Mewtwo Y.

The "Dark Mutant" Pal does not appear to be actively present in Palworld, but was indeed discovered in the game's code by a data miner. For now, it is unclear whether the Pal will actually be added to the game, or if it is merely a remnant from earlier during development.

Either way, many immediately point out the similarities with Mega Mewtwo Y, raising again the question of whether Palworld is guilty of plagiarism.

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I can see why this isn't an active Pal, there's another one that appeared in the 2021 announcement trailer that looks a lot like Luxray, but it isn't in the game so looks like Pocketpair knew they probably wouldn't be able to legally use this or the Luxray look a like pal.
I don't think they are hiding it because they look too much like Pokemon, plenty of them are clearly parodies or inspired by, and despite what they and the fanbase might want to believe- Nintendo/Gamefreak/Pokemon doesn't have monopolistic rights over all fantasy creatures.. Digimon proved this long ago. If they did have the right, they would've already made or been compiling a legal case against it for a while now, and they likely don't want the bad PR that would come along with such an outlandish claim. That would just be the last nail in the coffin for a stagnating series like their games.

The Palworld devs at Pocketpair are likely are saving it for later due to unsolved programming kinks- for a content update, or possibly an eventual DLC for another spurt of profits, if other development decisions in modern games are anything to go by. Hopefully this Mewtwo-ish and ones like the Luxray looking one Ravenfreak mentioned that have already been teased at some point- will be introduced as a free content update [like cult of them lambs did recently with their sins of the flesh update], which is generally much more positively recived than a DLC/season pass.

If they are smart and fanbase oriented that will be the case, because taking core content and holding it ransom for release at a later date is a toxic profiteering practice that needs to die and possibly be made illegal, as it's one of the best ways to piss off a userbase and permanently lose repeat customers. It's less likely as this is early acess, [and IMO early acess games should be barred from releasing season passes/DLC by design, until they are no longer early access] but I personally would never buy into it if they went about it that way regardless, especially since it was datamined from the original release so it was clearly not something they made after the fact for a DLC.

When I expect things to have multiple content releases I usually just wait for a sale to get all the extras for the price it should've been, or go for a GOTY edition well after release that comes with all or most of the stuff. Just the way I am, as I have very little income and am frugal. Because I want completed games without bugs and missing chunks, not piecemealed content draining my wallet and limited time/ monetary resources.

On a slightly unrelated sidenote.. Demo culture needs a resurgence too if you ask me, because having no choice but to resort to piracy to try things on your hardware setup before you buy is horrible, and the upright paying users are the ones suffering due to DRM practices and related problems, not the pirates who just root it out like the tumor it is...
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I've seen many comparisons which raised a flag, and I am quite sure a lawsuit will be reported soon đź«Ł But, i actually love the concept of pokemon and this is such a refreshing well made take on that. Hope it will survive whats about to come.
I've seen many comparisons which raised a flag, and I am quite sure a lawsuit will be reported soon đź«Ł But, i actually love the concept of pokemon and this is such a refreshing well made take on that. Hope it will survive whats about to come.
I really hope Palworld is here to stay. You just never know with Nintendo unfortunately. :\ We needed a game like this for a long time, I still love Pokemon but Gamefreak needs to get their act together.
I really hope Palworld is here to stay. You just never know with Nintendo unfortunately. :\ We needed a game like this for a long time, I still love Pokemon but Gamefreak needs to get their act together.
I've seen many comparisons which raised a flag, and I am quite sure a lawsuit will be reported soon đź«Ł But, i actually love the concept of pokemon and this is such a refreshing well made take on that. Hope it will survive whats about to come.

If Nintendo could take down Palworld they would and it would have happened. Both are Japan based and they don't really have fair use in Japan. Nintendo might just not have a case here. Nothing in the world is truly original.
You know what, stick it to Nintendo, they had their chance with such valuable IP, if they aren't gonna make better use of it, others will find a way, maybe they will learn and make better games, or god forbid treat PC gamers better and make games for PC.
Based on what I have heard so far, Nintendo can't make a good enough case about Pocketpair using their assets, so I am inclined to say they should be fine even if they released this into the game, a lot of the Poke er I mean Pals already look similar to existing Pokemon
I'm on a server, where you can actually buy this Pal from the server admin to mod him to your account. Not sure what to think of that. But yeah.. The rumors aren't so rumory anymore. ;)
I'm on a server, where you can actually buy this Pal from the server admin to mod him to your account. Not sure what to think of that. But yeah.. The rumors aren't so rumory anymore. ;)
Just looked it up on Youtube, when he attacks he just bayblades and summon balls that flies around, looks kinda silly and I am guessing its probably not finished and not what its ultimately intended to do

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